The below templates have been developed in line with the book Business Analysis Techniques: 72 Essential Tools for success to effectively manage your stakeholders
You can find the first 22 templates here - Business Analysis Templates: 72 Techniques for Success
Managing stakeholders effectively is THE most important aspect of ANY project?
My view?
If you work extra hard on improving your relationships with the key stakeholders of the project.
Not only will you be building the foundations for future projects.
But you WILL be much closer to succeed in achieving what you think is right.
So choose your stakeholder management techniques carefully.
So read the book.
BUT to have maximum impact at the very beginning of a project.
Use this post Stakeholder Analysis - How to engage 15 Business Areas in ONE week.
Search here for any template you need so you don't have to scroll through them all:
23. Stakeholder Nomination Template
List YOUR stakeholders through stakeholder nomination
The Sponsor is your first
And the sponsor can tell you which are the next – so ask him/her!
Then you can start to collect their information and document it using this template
24. Background Research Template
Find out the reasons for Business Analysis.
There can be many – from a senior management request to a change in legislation.
In which case you can find the related documents.
Note down your findings to create a background summary and next steps using this template.
25. The Stakeholder Wheel Template
Identifying stakeholders yields GREAT benefits.
The wheel identifies the range of stakeholder groups in a structured way.
This can generate knowledge about MANY stakeholder.
But be careful – don’t ONLY focus on internal stakeholders.
Include external stakeholders too.
The groups in the wheel are:
- Managers
- Employees
- Regulators
- Suppliers
- Partners
- Customers
- Competitors
26. Power / Interest (P/I) Grid Template
The Power Interest Grid is one fo the BEST ways to know your stakeholders.
It’s easy to do.
And helps win round powerful stakeholders.
While keeping important stakeholders in the loop.
Read my post - Stakeholder Analysis: How to engage 15 business areas in one week and P/I Grid Template.
27. CATWOE Template
We NEED to understand stakeholers ideas, priorities and wishes BEFORE making recommendations.
Or even worse…
Implementing business changes.
The CATWOE is an excellent approach to understanding what the stakeholders value most.
CATWOE stands for:
Customers, Actors, Transformation, World View (Weltanschaung), Owner, Environment.
There’s a great explanation of the CATWOE in the 72 Business Analysis Techniques book.
28. Business Activity modelling (BAM) Template
The BAM builds on the transformation element of the CATWOE.
It presents a view of the high-level business activities.
And any logical dependencies.
Usually created after the initial investigation.
And created at the level of WHAT the organisation does NOT HOW.
29. RASCI Charts
RASCI is used during business change implementations.
It records and evaluates the stakeholders roles and responsibilities in regards to a business problem
RASCI stands for:
- Responsible
- Accountable
- Supportive
- Consulted
- Informed
The RASCI chart is related to the Power Interest Grid in that they inform the analyst about the stakeholders
So go for gold. And download both templates!
30. Stakeholder Management Planning
The stakeholder analysis techniques above are the beginning of managing stakeholders throughout the project.
BUT this plan provides a means of capturing all the information.
And sets out the action to be taken for each person.
The areas of assessment are:
- Name of stakeholder
- Level of Power
- Level of interest
- Current Attitude
- Desired support
- Desired role
- Desired actions
- Messages to convey
- Actions and Communications
This MUST be a working document, So check out the download to complete your plan.
31. The Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument Template
The Thomas-Kilmann conflict mode instrument sets out five different positions.
The ones that may be adopted by someone in a conflict or negotiation situation.
The 5 positions are:
- Avoiding
- Accommodating
- Competing
- Compromising
- Collaborating
This technique can also be used to determine the significance of an issue.
It can help decide how important it is to agree.
Sometimes avoidance is best.
Other times avoidance is the worst.
Download and USE the template to see for yourself.
32. Principled Negotiation
There are 4 main points that define principled negotiation
1. People
Consider people separate from the problem.
Remember: When negotiating we are dealing with people NOT ‘the other party’.
Their needs MUST be met to avoid resentment.
2. Interests
Focus on interests, rather than positions.
Ask questions to uncover their interests.
3. Options
Consider a variety of options.
There are always alternatives to the proposed solution.
Broaden the discussion to avoid stalemate.
4. Criteria
Set criteria upon ehich the decision will be based.
This incorporates the needs of the PEOPLE involved.